Geometric Memphis Shape

Since 2023

Minimalist Dot Geometry
Minimalist Dot Geometry


I’m Joyce

Virtual Assistant & Social Media Strategist




Geometric Memphis Shape
ornamen Circle Frame

This is my story

Minimalist Dot Geometry

"I’m cancer-free. God already healed me"

That's the last words that came out of her mouth before closing her tired eyes.

I nodded to her and told myself my sister would be okay.

Minimalist Dot Geometry
Geometric Memphis Shape
Geometric Memphis Shape

But suddenly, the heart monitor chimed its final tune.

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The nurses and a doctor came rushing inside the room.

"Mom, she's okay, right?” I asked squeezing my mother’s trembling hand. I tried to be calm as much as I could.

Sobbing, my mother squeezed back, and without a word, turned her back and left the room.

Geometric Memphis Shape
Geometric Memphis Shape

Tagging my daughter along, I was staring at the beautiful white dress

from outside the window of a small department store, overwhelmed with emotions.

Then I reached for my purse pulled out my remaining $20 and entered the store.

Suddenly my 9-year-old daughter excitedly picked a pair of shoes and proudly lined up.

Trying to hide my tears, I gently told her we could leave the shoes and withdraw more money from the ATM.

After buying something, I led her out of the store as she looked back at the new pair of shoes left on the counter.

Geometric Memphis Shape
Geometric Memphis Shape

We just passed by the ATM machine... and at that point,

she realized we were never getting those pair of shoes.

Tears welled up in her eyes while she was looking at her outgrowing old shoes, and the soles were coming undone.

We rode on a tricycle back to the hospital, caught in the depressing silence between us.

I was already in despair.

I broke my promise that I was gonna buy her a new pair of sneakers.

Geometric Memphis Shape
Geometric Memphis Shape

I was looking at my sister dressed beautifully in a simple white dress and a cute crown on her head...

I was glad I made the right decision. I knew I did what I had to do.

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I lost my confidant, and my greatest best friend and enemy. She's my life.

When we were young, we experienced the hardest and worst life together.

Some of our relatives and neighbors looked down on us saying we would never be successful in life.

However, we didn't take those words personally.

But we took it seriously... a positive way.

Geometric Memphis Shape
Geometric Memphis Shape

This is why I hustle

This is why I am passionate

After 2 years...

I became a successful financial advisor. However, it didn't last long.

But I never stop learning to become a better version of myself

I was constantly hungry for growth and success

So I established my own food business, while I was working as a manager in the corporate world.

Geometric Memphis Shape


  • My family
  • Doing voice over
  • Video editing
  • Meeting new friends
  • Managing my food business
  • Growing and improving
  • Investing in Myself

I would like to share a video ( my do-it-yourself commercial) that I created last year. I didn’t expect it would attract many customers to buy our homemade lasagna. It was my first time doing a voice-over and I love the result. Hope you like it.

Geometric Memphis Shape

God's plan is better than my dreams.

Minimalist Dot Geometry

I had a chance to meet amazing coaches and freelancing business owners with a forward-thinking mindset who helped me build my own freelance agency.

Without a second thought, I joined the freelance community and they welcomed me with open arms

It was a life-changing moment for me!

Finally, I found my purpose - to help business owners grow their businesses.

Geometric Memphis Shape
Streetwear Futuristic Shape
Streetwear Futuristic Shape
Streetwear Futuristic Shape
Streetwear Futuristic Shape
Streetwear Futuristic Shape
Streetwear Futuristic Shape
Streetwear Futuristic Shape
Streetwear Futuristic Shape
Streetwear Futuristic Shape
Streetwear Futuristic Shape

I learned from the Best

Since August - Now

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Sparkle Star Shape
Sparkle Star Shape

VA BAR - A registered online freelance training company.

They help aspiring VA

or anyone who wants to learn more

on how to start their freelancing

or Social Media Management career

Sparkle Star Shape

Angela Baysa

- a 23-year-old business coach,

Social Media Strategist,

and self-made multi-millionaire

who made her first million

during pandemic.

Thea Peralta - a self-made millionaire, life coach,

expert in social media marketing

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Streetwear Futuristic Shape
Streetwear Futuristic Shape
Streetwear Futuristic Shape
Streetwear Futuristic Shape
Streetwear Futuristic Shape
Streetwear Futuristic Shape
Streetwear Futuristic Shape
Streetwear Futuristic Shape
Streetwear Futuristic Shape
Sparkle Star Shape
Sparkle Star Shape
Sparkle Star Shape

Client Testimonial

Joyce consistently exhibited qualities that reflect our organization's

commitment to excellence and innovation in the Arts and Entertainment industry.

Her exceptional skills, professionalism, and dedication make her well-suited for future roles in the

Arts and Entertainment industry. I highly recommend Joyce and am confident that she will continue to excel in her endeavors.

John W. Graves III,

Founder & CEO,

John Graves Productions

Sparkle Star Shape
Geometric Memphis Shape

1. Killer graphics

  • Lay out & logo designing
  • video editing
  • digital illustrations

2. Community management

3. Planning and organizing social media presence

4. Creating high-quality content for your social media account

5. Creating brand guidelines/brand kit

6. Manage your account while you invest your time with WHAT MATTERS MOST

Services to offer:

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Streetwear Futuristic Shape
Streetwear Futuristic Shape
Streetwear Futuristic Shape
Streetwear Futuristic Shape
Streetwear Futuristic Shape
Streetwear Futuristic Shape
Streetwear Futuristic Shape
Streetwear Futuristic Shape
Streetwear Futuristic Shape
Streetwear Futuristic Shape
Sparkle Star Shape
Sparkle Star Shape
Sparkle Star Shape

Some of our sample works

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Streetwear Futuristic Shape
Streetwear Futuristic Shape
Streetwear Futuristic Shape
Streetwear Futuristic Shape
Streetwear Futuristic Shape
Streetwear Futuristic Shape
Streetwear Futuristic Shape
Streetwear Futuristic Shape
Streetwear Futuristic Shape
Streetwear Futuristic Shape

My team has also created brand kits for local organizations and businesses which gives their audience and leads a bigger scope in discovering and learning about them.

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Sparkle Star Shape
Sparkle Star Shape
Sparkle Star Shape
Streetwear Futuristic Shape
Streetwear Futuristic Shape
Streetwear Futuristic Shape
Streetwear Futuristic Shape
Streetwear Futuristic Shape
Streetwear Futuristic Shape
Streetwear Futuristic Shape
Streetwear Futuristic Shape
Streetwear Futuristic Shape
Streetwear Futuristic Shape

Attract more leads and customers with our strategic and aesthetically pleasing Instagram and Facebook feed.

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Sparkle Star Shape
Sparkle Star Shape
Sparkle Star Shape
Streetwear Futuristic Shape
Streetwear Futuristic Shape
Streetwear Futuristic Shape
Streetwear Futuristic Shape
Streetwear Futuristic Shape
Streetwear Futuristic Shape
Streetwear Futuristic Shape
Streetwear Futuristic Shape
Streetwear Futuristic Shape
Streetwear Futuristic Shape
Sparkle Star Shape
Sparkle Star Shape
Sparkle Star Shape

We make sure that our designs speak your brand and effectively promote your products. We create eye catching and very attractive packaging designs that gives our client's consumers a great unboxing experience through branding which has proven increase of sales.

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Streetwear Futuristic Shape
Streetwear Futuristic Shape
Streetwear Futuristic Shape
Streetwear Futuristic Shape
Streetwear Futuristic Shape
Streetwear Futuristic Shape
Streetwear Futuristic Shape
Streetwear Futuristic Shape
Streetwear Futuristic Shape
Streetwear Futuristic Shape

How things will work for content services

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Sparkle Star Shape
Lined Doodle Books
Lined Doodle Books
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Streetwear Futuristic Shape
Streetwear Futuristic Shape
Streetwear Futuristic Shape
Streetwear Futuristic Shape
Streetwear Futuristic Shape
Streetwear Futuristic Shape
Streetwear Futuristic Shape
Streetwear Futuristic Shape
Streetwear Futuristic Shape

Let’s Work Together

I am genuinely looking forward to turning your business into a hit!

Telephone Glyph Icon

WhatsApp+63 9281451814


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Let's collaborate and discuss your needs if we're a good fit! Or you can simply book a call here:

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